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Pupil voice

At High Bank, we make every effort to ensure that children's views are listened to and that they contribute to school life. We work hard to make sure every child can express their views and contribute to school life. This is important as it helps the school to develop and improve. Children take part in questionnaires, class discussions and conversations with pupils and staff.

Staff have regular conversations with pupils so they can express their opinions towards different areas of our curriculum. These conversations help us to deliver and improve  a curriculum that caters for all of our children's needs.

School Leaders

We have a variety of leadership roles in school. Some of the groups are elected to represent the views of pupils in school. They meet regularly with Mrs Tai and other senior leaders to make important decisions about school and lead important events such as assemblies, fundraising or surveys.

  • School Council
  • Eco Warriors
  • Well-being Ambassadors


Please find the minutes of our meetings below.

Eco Warriors 15.10.24

School Council 15.10.24

Wellbeing Ambassadors 15.10.24